Frequently Asked Questions
- Where is the EPAC located?
The Ellis Performing Arts Center is located at 618 North Richardson Street, Latta, S.C., between Latta High School and Latta Middle School.
- Is there parking at the EPAC?
Yes, parking for the EPAC is in front of Latta High School on North Richardson Street and in the parking lot across the street
from Latta Middle School on East Academy Street.
- What is the dress code?
We welcome a range of attire from casual to dressy, depending on your choice. You may want to bring a sweater or jacket.
- Where can I view a seating chart?
A seating chart can be viewed here: Seating Chart Link.
- What provisions are there for people with disabilities?
Restrooms in the lobby are handicapped accessible. Handicapped seating and wheelchair spaces are available in the auditorium. Handicapped
parking is available at the Latta High School parking lot.
- Is there security at EPAC events?
Security officers are at all EPAC functions.
- How can I purchase tickets to an event?
Tickets for any event can be purchased by calling 843-752-7101, extension 1017.
- Can I rent the Ellis Performing Arts Center?
Contact Eleanor Powers, EPAC Director, for information on renting the EPAC. 843-752-7101, ext 1017.
- Can I be added to the mailing list or request information?
Send an email to the EPAC Director at:
- How can I donate to the Ellis Performing Arts Center?
Contact Eleanor Powers, EPAC Director, for information on the many ways to donate to the EPAC. 843-752-7101, ext 1017.